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.DATA?           Define Uninitialized Data Segment                  Directive


     The .DATA? directive is used to start the definition of the
     unitialized data segment. You define unitialized data with the ?
     symbol, like this: APPLES 5 DUP(?). You end the definition of
     the data segment with another segment directive (such as .CODE) or
     an END directive, which indicates the end of the file.

     Before you use .DATA?, you must have defined a memory model with the
     .MODEL directive.

     The advantage of .DATA? is that it is translated into the standard
     uninitialized data segment name for that memory model when the file
     is assembled, which makes it easy to link into high-level languages.

       Notes:     Use the .DATA directive for initialized data.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson